An Ad Agency Asked. Answering in Reply.

Ad  Agencies ask all sorts of questions.

Mostly to feel good.  In that it gives them the illusion that there was a process of some kind.

Having a bit of security like that, a script of sorts to hang onto. Must make the interviewing

easier. As interviewer and interviewees lock eyes. And the silent scream from the Ad executive

radiates silently, imperceptibly like a stones rippling outwards in a Zen pond.

The survivor’s guilt getting to the interviewer, because they know that there is no real difference

between him and the interviewee. That there is no real difference between any of us, big enough to explain

why he sits in the interviews chair. Later he’ll go back and get to working on creating that non-existent difference.

And the manufacture of more status anxiety that ever launches further for that need for difference. That ever empty,

plot driver.

And so they hope the ever obvious thinness of the interview questions does not remain and ever go on accusing them.

Well thats possibly what goes on.

Hope everyone asks these questions. When they’re put on the spot.

Here are the questions.


1 Whats The Most Up Lifting Piece Of Creativity You’ve Seen In The Past Year?

2 If You Had the Money To Start Your Own Business, What Would It Be And Why?

3 If You Had To Accompany Bil Bungay On A Visit To A Haunted House, What Would You

Pack In Your Overnight Bag.

Questions like these are hateful but…


Old Chinese Lady, looked 80, on one of the overcrowded overground platforms sat and unselfconsciouly broke into song. It was spontaneous
Heartfelt and somehow transformed the pace and sense of time in the station. Whether or not it was a call out to lost members
of her tribe now never again approachable but in memory, it was a real piece of China right there.

Made you think we carry the materials of other worlds within us. But to make them from nothing would be unimaginable.

And made you think that an old lady like that had more life force in her than a platform hold 300 or more individuals.


Tea Shop. So I could sell the most insane type of cakes possible. But would also sell corn cakes, angle hair cakes, Mochi and all sorts of natural sweets and cakes from around the world (Mexican day of the dead Cake!)
stuff that would look innocuous but would blow people heads of, because it would cross there ideas of what possible savoury or so on.
and because . being challenged in any shape or form makes people better citizens.


I’d take a packet of cigarettes with me. I don’t smoke, but the tension might require one or two.
And then if Bil Bungay is really disappointed that no ghosts were found, I could always place a few lit cigarettes with some makeshift propping device in a different part of a large room, so that with exceedingly sparse materials we could create the illusion of a ghost. The few moments of joy might give him a lifetime of delight. Whether he wants to live in the truth or not is quite up to him. But it’d be handy, making ghost souvenirs to gift to others back home.

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