Let’s talk about Jesus. Wonky eyes… of course it’s only going to go for £75 Million. Kinda looks like it’s had one of those face transplants. Eye on the right hand is at least 5 mm lower. Jaw on the left hand looks like it need pushing back. I doubt from the photo that much more than the eyes are leo’s. Apart from the head which looks like it has a number of ‘hiccups’ the rest looks tacked on.
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I saw it on Wednesday! The Jesus with the wonky eyes. I Jedi’ed the guard. Stayed for an hour. He was getting everyone to move after every 30-60 seconds. His own initiative. No one had actually told him to do it. Nice guy but, very much from the school of just take a snap of it! About half an hour in he got a bit worried. Starting asking questions. I said I’m Press. Calmed his agitation. He said, it’s just that you been standing there doing nothing for half an hour. Standing firm, I upheld my role as public educator and said… “Looking looks very passive but it’s a very intense activity.”