Get Colour & Energy into your Life!

Hampstead School of Art – Sundays 2-5pm ‘Art and Wellbeing a Creative Experience’

Marcia Scott from 22 April – 8 July, Summer Term is giving a course at the Hampstead School of art.

The course is dedigned to find new sources of inspiration, to stimulate your imagination and creative thinking.

Exploring your own creativity in a supportive environment, you will be experimenting with mixed media materials to make abstract mark-making. Looking at how artists develop work. Music ay be played to unlock the artist within. Learn practical techniques to ignite your creativity, imagination, and innovative thinking

Hampstead School of Art
Penrose Gardens, London, NW3 7BF
Office 020 7794 1439

Marcia Scott’s Step-Father is Frank Bowling RA OBE. One of the last living abstract expressionists, intimate of the critic Clement Greenburg and having his Tate Retrospective in 2019. Mention this to highlight Scott’s links to art history and having grown up among the biggest names associated with the Royal College of Art & the American New York scene

Scott’s colours reference her interest in nature and their positive effect on moods, she hopes to inspire an evolution of spirit.

The versatility of household gloss enamel paint allows for vigorous primal, existential, sensuous gestures. Saturated backgrounds of pure colour are treated to a process of pouring and dripping. The additional colours to produce a sensuous optical bounce.

Enamel paint is used for its economic accessible quality and resonance with the Utopian ideals of post-war industrial design, and the interest of British designers in serving the wider community. Using a non-traditional paint material takes away any sense of hierarchies or barriers to abstract art or its making.

Susan Haire who exhibited Scott at the Cello Factory Art Gallery, and is president of the London Group says, “Marcia has a potent flair for colour and is one of the most adventurous painters I know”.

Marcia Scott – grew up firmly in an Abstract Expressionist house hold. Her step father the Abstract Expression and Royal Academician Frank Bowling OBE RA, is one of the few Brits to have been part of the American artistic movement. Frank Bowling who is having his Tate retrospective in 2019, provided a vital transatlantic bridge to the British Art scene which was become ever more inspired and engaged with this movement. Bowling was the same year as Hockney, winning the silver medal that year to Hockney’s gold medal. (The two remain life long friends, as well as rivals). Scott took to abstraction after becoming Bowling’s studio assistant after he had a spell of ill health. While Scott is sometimes shy talking about family connections to the great exponent of America Abstract Expressionism, Clement Greenburg and his wife the celebrated painter Helen Frankenthaler. But she speaks quite accessibly about the social effect that Rothko wanted his work to produce. Scott has exhibited with the New York Gallery Berrycampbell Gallery.

Scott is also related to the famous Victorian actress Louisa Cranstoun Nisbett was the first to play the iconic role of Lady Gay Spanker. Often taking the male leads in romantic production, she was featured in the Tate’s Queer exhibition last year.

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