St Luke’s Kitchen – Gelato And Garabaldi cooking Sessions

    As you can see a great deal of cooking has been done in aid of this @Allourvoices national heritage project. The Project was designed to record some of the food heritage of the Italian Community of Clarekenwell. Known colloquially as ‘The Hill’ or the Italian Quarter. Clarkenwell had been the home of Italian…

Tomato – Mexican Farming Genius

Nice Photo. Helps register our contemporary priorities. With a generation arising that values ecology and quality of life, over materialistic and status concerns. It suggest a New Promise. Whats not to like? Tomato, originally grown/swollen from a tiny berry by Mexicans into the generous bulbous globular growth of delicious sweetness. Further Popularized by Italians in…

Infinitas Gracias: Mexican miracle paintings.

Past show Infinitas Gracias: Mexican miracle paintings. Wellcome collection offers a library of extraordinary commemoration stories By Giuseppe Marasco Current exhibition of  The Mexican votive Paintings at the Wellcome collection . Are prepared and offered to a chapel in thanks for miraculous assistance or relief in a time of need.  Dating from the Revolution…

Morandi – Lines of Poetry: Estorick collection

Morandi ; The Italian Master of Still Lives                            By Giuseppe Marasco Lines of Poetry. Open Til 28 April The Cheshire cat, Smiles through out, this exhibition. Morandi, the essentialist, shares a sibling similitude with those masters of the singular; Gericult, studying cadavers to produce his great masterpiece the…

Light Fantastic! – At the Light Show – Hayward Galllery

Perhaps because despite the fact that it says Spring on the calendar, it’s really still winter, with record low temperatures predicted to last til at least mid April. (Anyone want to bet on Snow in June?) I’d left it until now to see the Light Show at the Hayward Gallery. I’d essentially waited til the…

Lichtenstein In London – Occasional evidence of an odd vulnerablity

By Giuseppe Marasco New Tate Modern Show Of interesting in this show are the Landscapes Liechtenstein Attends to. There is at play a concern with the vanishing point, and the flatness of the canvas surface. The vanishing point is traditionally associated with the limit of the spectators sight , and so the limit of what…

Disappearing Hands And Phantom Limbs found across London

By Giuseppe Marasco Disappearing hands, seeming standing in, fit, for work and handedness no longer present, no longer visible. A last evidence, slowly dissolving, of the construction of the material present. This hand, the pocket bubble of time that it may represent, lingers on a little longer like a tracer. Soon about to be eaten…


The spiral of  the entrance ushered then into the black … sets the scene, entering into the underworld where we stumble upon all array of objects, that look as if they had been touched just yesterday, or even just a couple of hours ago. Still humming with life I would want to talk of ghosts…