Lichtenstein In London – Occasional evidence of an odd vulnerablity

By Giuseppe Marasco New Tate Modern Show Of interesting in this show are the Landscapes Liechtenstein Attends to. There is at play a concern with the vanishing point, and the flatness of the canvas surface. The vanishing point is traditionally associated with the limit of the spectators sight , and so the limit of what…

Disappearing Hands And Phantom Limbs found across London

By Giuseppe Marasco Disappearing hands, seeming standing in, fit, for work and handedness no longer present, no longer visible. A last evidence, slowly dissolving, of the construction of the material present. This hand, the pocket bubble of time that it may represent, lingers on a little longer like a tracer. Soon about to be eaten…


The spiral of  the entrance ushered then into the black … sets the scene, entering into the underworld where we stumble upon all array of objects, that look as if they had been touched just yesterday, or even just a couple of hours ago. Still humming with life I would want to talk of ghosts…

. Had Marilyn Monroe been around what future would she have had? Would she have continued to be given more film roles? Would Hollywood have matured along with her? Or left her on the dust heap? This Ad was put together by The people at  the Italian advertising agency I think they deserve applause…